





cartooningja.jimdofree.com   cartooningja jimdo
FD © Painting

Es lo que tiene el verano, abuela... ¡Se asan! Y encima están desnutridos... A Pelo Pincho (hideputa) esto no le importa... Ni a mí... Ahora, que como hay Dios, que os vamos a dejar en cueros... Y vais a saber lo que es barrer en una explanada de cemento a 53ºC con un escobón así de grande todas las infamias que a traición, como hienas, asustadizas y siempre alerta bestias disfrazadas de inocentes pajarillos... habéis estado haciendo desde el puto mismo día en que os mal parieron... Esto seguro... ¡Tantos días, ¿verdad? Siglos, incluso... "Vale Mantas, que eres un resentido, y no hay por qué...". "También es verdad, Regi, pero míralos, míralos en la piscinorra... Con esas tetas al aire... que les llegan a los tobillos, joder". Entre estas paredes, de amarillo y blanco, con las ventanas abiertas de par en par... (La representación más tangible de la bondad es la Belleza... Y... "el cuidado de no herir a los otros, es la forma más hermosa de respeto..." Pintarrajearon a la entrada del sitio). En este bajo, donde se atiende al público (neuróticos, alguno con un brazo roto... Otros con el colesterol que si tal y tal... Otros, el 85%, unos hipocondríacos, generalmente muchos de ellos solitarios en busca de charla -¡los mamones no dan más de sí...! Si acaso, los loros...-. Allí, en ese escenario, a la puerta, en el umbral de ella, semiabierta, donde recibe, está ella; que da dos pasos adelante y... ¡mírala bien, sorpréndete, asquéate, aguanta!, se pone a girar sobre un pie, como una peonza; el eje es su pierna derecha y aguantando todo el peso, el dedo gordo... que está ya para reventar... Y su pierna izquierda, para adornar la figura en el interminable giro, doblada y apoyada, la planta, en su pierna derecha. Los brazos en alto, las palmas de las manos pegadas la una a la otra, como rezando, completando en ese punto final una preciosa elipse. Con los ojos casi en blanco, sintiéndose ¡tan importante! Imagínate a una deportista, bailarina, de esas artísticas, competitivas, sobre el hielo, con esos patines que son como cuchillos y haciendo virguerías, malabarismos... Con, de fondo, una música, por ejemplo, de Wagner... Que excita y calma, todo a la vez, bien, a los locos... Pues ésa es ella. La jefa: un tornado de pacotilla... Eso sí, y no sé de dónde saca el tiempo -todo en milésimas de segundo- para decir a los asquerosos, a la metralla: "Háblenme de uno en uno, que no tengo un millón de "orejas". (¡Ni pelo, no te jode!). ¡Ah, el amor! Ésta es que ya está asqueada de todo. ¡Y se esfuerza para estar más cada día! (Yo, de verdad, no sé qué tiene contra los tíos). Es su trabajo. Por la tarde se irá a la piscina...: Como un campo de fútbol, de sus amigos, los Vip-Vip... (¡¿Y los peones camineros, qué, eh?!, venga, a disfrutar del frescor verde azulado transparente del agua. Tiene doble trampolín, el charquito de esta peña. No sabe la calva pelo pincho que 200m más allá, en un ático destartalado, hay uno que cuando están los ve y suda…


Jean Ep Rich ©


Seleccionando música de todos los tiempos... Bach, Mozart, Rosalía, Dua Lipa... ¡Tu primo!


Obras: FD © Paintings Acrylic Canvas 100X100 cm

cartooningja jimdofre jimdo 👇





¿Quiere multiplicar por cien mil millones la audiencia de su publicación?


¡Pues multiplique, hombre, multiplique, multiplique… a lápiz, con calculadora, con IA...!


¡Multiplique, hostias! ¿O no sabe...?


Jean Ep Rich © (2024)  Mira, se escribe así 👇 



I am there, in that space, in that time... and also here... And also in the best... which is what is always to come. I'm there... Oooh! Fire does not consume us... No! Fuck, so innocent! Turn on sleep... and sleep... You have to get up early, go to work...! Cry without tears while driving! You must be punctual... I am the air you breathe. I am the present eternally detained in your memory, right? We overcome ignorance and rise... Everything is infinitely large and infinitely small! You know? That's why we are always in the same place... and endlessly renewing ourselves... 

Go away, look for a 4-leaf clover... They say it brings good luck...

Good luck.




Y la noche luciendo su absoluta belleza. Y Se besaban, protegiéndose de la lluvia en un portal... Ella y él. ¿Sabes?: Sin planes, proyectos, esperanzas, sin futuro... ¡Paralizado el Tiempo! ¡Un continuo y perfecto presente! ¡Ciego presente! Ahora ella, masca chicle en una farmacia... ¡Aburrida de la vida... Joven heredera del negocio familiar...! Tienes que mirar la agenda; mira, haz un sitio, pon: tal día, cena con tal; ¡jooo, anda!” -dice, ¡con voz, con qué voz, la Virgen!, una mamarracha a un amigo-. Pub La Mona, sábado, las tres de la madrugada (¡de la noche, joder!), una calle céntrica, varios pollos (con coleta) y varias… gallinas (muy monas, muy arregladitas) bailotean, ordenadamente, formalmente… ¡Payasos! El ruego del desgraciado estaba en un papel pegado a la entrada de La Mona: “He perdido un móvil, último modelo, de la marca “Tal”… si alguien lo encuentra que llame al número “Tal”, muchas gracias”. Encima de esto, alguien escribió: “Eres un tonto, muy, muy tonto, lo tengo yo, pringao.” Y nos largamos de allí… entre pintadas, locales en venta, tiendas liquidándolo todo, negocios cerrados, pisos vacios… ¡Las putas, los mendigos, los borrachos… todos nos hacen el paseíllo…! ¡Estamos, pues, entre la vida y la muerte… riéndonos! 

(Y tú, ¿estás en Malibú?)



Jean Ep Rich ©


Y ahora, en inglés... ¡Momiaaa! 7X8, rápido, la respuesta ¡Uy, uuy, uuuy! 


 And the night showing off its absolute beauty. And they kissed, protecting themselves from the rain in a doorway... She and him. Do you know?: Without plans, projects, hopes, without future... Time Paralyzed! A continuous and perfect present! Present blind man!

Now she chews gum in a pharmacy... Bored with life... Young heiress of the family business...!

You have to look at the agenda; look, make a place, put: such a day, dinner with such; “hooo, come on!” -she says, with a voice, with what a voice, the Virgin!, the fool to a friend-. Pub La Mona, Saturday, three in the morning (at night, damn!), a central street, several disgusting people (with ponytails) and several... chickens (very cute, very well-groomed) dancing, orderly, formally... Clowns!

The unfortunate man's request was left on a piece of paper taped to the entrance of La Mona: “I have lost a cell phone, the latest model, from the “Tal” brand… if anyone finds it, thank you very much for calling me and returning it.” On top of this, someone wrote: “You are a fool, very, very stupid, I already have it in my pocket, idiot.”

And we got out of there... between graffiti, stores for sale, shops liquidating everything, closed businesses, empty apartments... The whores, the beggars, the drunks... everyone applauds us...! We are, therefore, between life and death... laughing!

(And you, are you in Malibu?)


Jean Ep Rich ©



Above the weak blue of the sky, at the highest point, the golden trail is drawn, a thin sheet of shiny copper..., transparent..., fleeting..., in movement that disappears quickly... of a plane loaded with silence, time, security and intelligence ...

Where will it go? This one seems to be going North, towards the North... From the alley it is impossible to reach it and only with your eyes, for a short time, you can accompany it...

And we go in to have a drink at a bar... From inside we see ourselves reflected in the large glass panes that separate us from the darkness... For a second we all realize that someday...

It's Sunday, and nobody expects anything at all from Monday... If anything, an anticyclone.

Hey, hey, hey…! Is the end of the world. We are starting...



I would have spent the entire afternoon looking at her.

They charged me 2 euros for a bad coffee...she looked at me; She was with her parents. The three to my left, at the back of the bar counter... Her, me. She, 20 years old. Me, 29. It would be 8:00 p.m.

A Tuesday. A crappy city of about 130,000 inhabitants... And me... and the cold...

I came out, I looked at her, she looked at me... We smiled at each other... 

I started the car... And the red lights at the back stayed at the door... waiting for her.

I was already a thousand km away entering Madrid and I knew I would never see her again.

I never stopped at that bar again...

It's been a while... and everything seems like yesterday...






 Obras: FD © Paintings Acrylic Canvas 100X100 cm

cartooningja jimdofre jimdo


Y dentro de poco vamos a deciros cómo se ponen los números en mayúscula... 

¡Mooomias! Y ya puestos, cómo se escriben en otros idiomas..., ¡los números! ¡Mooomias!


Jean Ep Rich ©



The night breaks in your little head, which is a green diamond, and some sparks of freedom, all very fleeting, have been coming to mind for some time now, where, like the saddest and most joyful music of a Mozart theme, they cause sweat...

It's the Roller Coaster of Dreams...! Crazy little head...! We'll get lost on a motorcycle in the USA (I have to be rich for this, of course). Little crazy head, your hand in my hand...

Fleeting... Eternal... Time does not exist, Time is you... Dori... You... I, too, am Time... No one can take this away... Not even locked away! September is gone, Dori! It's been a year... Or is it?

Not for you and not for me, not for the Gods, because we are owners of Time… And that is something private… Goddess…

"Take your ticket, wait your turn." The System is hard... When it sees that someone deviates a bit from the Norm... It goes after them...

It's The Lettuce Thought. It dominates, it reigns; It's everywhere. Everything permeates it. He has taken possession of everything. He is embedded... Tattooed well in the sheepish subconscious. Nothing represents him... He doesn't accept protests, then, the bastard. He's there. He is the emperor of even the smallest gestures... Nothing escapes Lettuce Thought!

(Making your way through the thickest of the fog, for you everything is light... You see everything...! And the horizon... reflects my image, which you do not forget, which is so present; walking with you... Giving you all the freedom in the world and holding hands).

Crazy little head! I have more for you... The Beauty! But I'll write it another time... Kisses. Never, never give up the madness, never!



Tell it to Mrs. Mey, tell it... Let her be aware of the issue... You'll see... In one afternoon... In a morning from 12 to 2 p.m. she will fix it... What a Tanti-Tanti, in a Pis Pas, Ping-Pong! She gets ready, she paints her lips red, she stretches her dress - dark blue, white polka dots - a little, she delicately touches her hair, almost without coming into contact with it... she takes a look in the mirror... And she goes out into the street.

Ping-Pang... On a little spring morning...




Jean Ep Rich © 2024

cartooningja.jimdofree.com   cartooningja jimdo
FD © Painting

Para ti... ¿Para quién? Para..., exactamente, el Cambio Climático; eso es: Para el Cambio Climático... ¡Y su padre!



It had started to rain, and it was already night, we had gathered in a small wooden house, at the foot of a mountain...

It was cold, we lit a fire...

The place became cozy in a short time, there were four of us.

The rain on the windows sang to us...

The wind sounded friendly, we got warm, we ate something...

We began to chat (there were no cell phones)...

The rain and the wind were getting heavier... We all turned to look at the fire... A pleasure! A circle, 4 friends, the night... All the prayers of all the men of all times were there, with us.



The apes... Oh... and all for love...! Look, when it's sunset and you see that orange, golden color... shyly surrounded by blue... it's that we are saying goodbye to the Sun...

Don't believe, I do know who is brave...! I have seen so much bravery in... Wow, that... And without knowing... Heroicity in those who do not realize that she is their creation...! Pure ignorance, like...!

Oh, look, you didn't know that? Well that's how it is: Love is never wrong. Days of madness, rain...! And I can't imagine anything other than a sweet smile... going hand in hand...

Oooh, no idea what awaited me... as I became a man!, without moving a muscle, without thinking about anything, just carried away by Time...

Arañita... I have broken into pieces of life... pick me up...!

Spilled blood, dark and luminous tears...!

Summer afternoons! All in an invisible... thunderous... gesture! And that's it, nothing more!

-Give me a beer, light, Regi.

-Okay, I like what you have written, I invite you, it will be free, Pistolete...

-You know, I saw her and I didn't recognize her...! She yes to me! How fat she was, disfigured, cracked and calm...! Damn! Already aware that we will all die again... without noise, without a date... someday... once again!



Jean Ep Rich © 2024



Creo que mañana hará buen tiempo... ¡Uy!

Our body is made of stars...

For me, God and his deliriums! That's enough... That and the Sun...

They become malicious with age... They are no longer good... Paranoid... They see bad intentions in everything...

Dying well... is the privilege they have left! 

They are overcome by vice... and resentment... That's right, life has been burning them... They already smell... bad... They are crazy...!

And freedom, only, when they no longer even remember their fucking name... May God, then, understand them...!

Smile smile! You'll have a single image at the last second...

It will be the nicest and cleanest thing you've ever done in your life... A smile... The last one, the real one! And yet, that is going to be the image that before your dying eyes will end up saying goodbye to you... from this Purgatory! Smile, fuck!


Jean Ep Rich © 2024

cartooningja.jimdofree.com amazon linkedin google
cartooningja.jimdofree.com FD Painting Acrylic 100X100 cm


¡¿Cómo, eh, qué dices?! ¡No, no es posible! ¡Eh! ¡Ah!



Dracula's dog... he takes him for a walk... in the sun... We play cards... We walk down the street... we stay away from each other as if we don't know each other. We don't want to greet each other, actually! We always have to be one hundred kilometers away from others... and from ourselves, frequently! The clouds, there are many... there are gray ones, violet ones, red ones, yellow ones... all faded... The days are longer...! Dracula picks up the dog's poop with gloves, dog... As it should be! It is humiliating! Nobody forgives debts... he takes note for when it happens - if it happens -... La, la, laaa! The pandemic! What were you thinking? Mercilessly! Things pile up! With the heat, people will begin - without looking down, not very neat! - to jump out of the windows, from the balconies... A legion of suicides are queuing up - they get a ticket - to jump on the three o'clock train...! The train drivers make an appointment for the psychiatrist! All of Christ is with his head like a dirty attic, dust, grime, old furniture, blue mirrors, urinals... masks!


Jean Ep Rich ©


(Tú, haz fotocopias en la oficina, mientras te comes los mocos;


¡que es lo tuyo!)


Jean Ep Rich ©



I walked into a room; The only window was open a little. I closed it well; A grasshopper landed on my shoulder... I looked at it... I went back to the window, opened it wide, and stuck my shoulder out with its unexpected passenger. The grasshopper jumped... At that moment we felt like two friends saying goodbye forever.


The trail, the soft orange and gold light of an airplane, is reflected in my eyes; on this autumn evening...




("It is the velvet silence on this night... that lulls us to sleep as if it were singing a lullaby to us...

It makes us grow...!

Gods, we are gods... doing a handstand in the street, jumping on cars...! 





¡Objetivos cumplidos, ¿no?! ¡Ah! ¡Uh! ¡Eeeh!




Jean Ep Rich ©


And I leave the bar and it dawns ... 

and the sun shines on your golden pupils.

And you, Arañita, you are on the move ... 

You stop at a traffic light ... And park ...

And you walk, still with the dreams sparkling between the loops of your red hair, and you arrive at your work ...

In winter temperatures drop a lot... And at around three in the morning it's very cold. The yellow lights of the streetlights fall on us and create shadows around us that dance, brushing against each other… There is no one in the bar anymore… But the echo of our laughter continues to play in the dark…

In the tallest buildings the brick looks like sad gold; the Sun leaves its last light ... Longing for the night! 

It is there, all, all the illusion in the world ... Like statues of gods, divine ... 

The beast stops dead by showing its fangs, snorts!

Dance the sun. The whole world is in our hands.Night is coming. We drink starlight. Blue water ... cold.

Green violets, orange love roses, gray clouds, gold pearls, tears ...

And Dori, with an open heart, without folds ...!

¡Poison, strong emotions, she's crazy ...!

It is the Sun in the darkest night ...!

She is good and very pretty ... Yes, yes!

Her eyes are like the roar of a storm ...

But there is no noise or anything, pure beauty, just ...

Oh, ooh, oooh, Your smile...!



here is always a candle lit in your name. A lit candle for you. Always.

And there is also always a flower of the day for you.

We know you're looking out for us.

You are rebellious; you break the rules... And, of course, you have the boss who is quite angry with you some days.

"This is not done," he tells you. "This shouldn't be done," he tells you.

It is the same for yo.

You continue to watch, like the most attentive Guardian Angel, for us...

Even so, you start to see that things are not so easy... Or is they?

It's difficult and easy! That's what.

Both things... For you: Depending on how you feel...

Winter has arrived upon us. Soaking it all up.

But since we are Suns, he looks the other way and searches, like a coward, for someone he can handle.

We will see each other... And since not even Eternity is Eternal, we will have a great time. Until then!



Under the sunlight; on the brink of the stars. Away from the sin invented by those, the usual! (Aunties, you would be in a cave locked up if those beasts had the power). There, where only what harms others is prohibited...



"I have seen blue mornings, breathed fresh, pure air; I have seen two beautiful aunts, at night, walking near the sea, with the heavenly, divine lights of the party on one side.

Two unforgettable shooting stars...

This serves me…, and some noble gesture." 



But everything, everything, everything... Even my birth and yours, is on that evening of the 2nd week of August at the Fair of Fairs...

You, me, so handsomes 

Your white t-shirt with half a skirt outside the jeans... Sneakers...

The shoulders... of yolk, of gold, and the drawing of a ribbon that was lost in your torso... Along with your back, in the air, 5 spaces of your toasted skin...

Brilliant, you reflected lights of infinite colors, green, yellow, blue, violet...

A commotion at the Fair of Fairs...!

And one hand searching... and another pulling away...

The Sugar Balloon Fair...!



He told me: "Come".

And I did not go.

He told me: "Come".

And I did not go.

The day has 24 hours.

With his minutes... and his life...

Maybe go...

Maybe not...

Since I don't know how to lose... (I really don't know how to lose!)

maybe i will...

As long as everything is fine..., I will own Time.

I am the owner of Time!

So I'll tell you: "Come".



(For you; eternally. Whoever you are today)

Summer came out with its talk in blue. The heat of the Absolute in your white dress among clouds of sand. That is my only desire. I stop Time and it is in motion, like the bright drops of water you leave in the air when you walk towards your towel when you get out of the pool...



"Pal" Poeta del Churro... Y las Momias" (Afectuosamente y con la


intención de alfabetizar, con buen humor, en inglés, a tu madre 🙂)




And I leave the bar and it dawns ... 

and the sun shines on your golden pupils.

And you, Arañita, you are on the move ... 

You stop at a traffic light ... And park ...

And you walk, still with the dreams sparkling between the loops of your red hair, 

and you arrive at your work ...

I, detaching myself, as if it were a scab, 


of what is left of the night, I get into bed ...


The neatness of the pig... The rubbing of nails on stones... The red eyes. Piglets for the Big Shareholder! The herd, this is a zoo! Bull ears... for the long-eared man! Ugly as a lightning bolt!

Worms in the soup, green ones - the boss's nightmare -! The light bulbs explode. They light the candles... They're up to something...! Always secretly! They dry their hands, which are stained with blood, and dye the hotel towels red. They spit when speaking. They are not reflected in mirrors. They have the shape of breaking waves. They are dogs of dangerous breeds. Bad sap! They get vaccinated when everything is safe..., or they lie! They don't care. Scrupulous in the garbage can, they do not get stained; They scare everyone and keep all the crap. They are smoke... Poisonous vapor! And the posh guy with the accordion! Let nothing be missing, the party, yes: complete! There isn't a street where you don't smell fear, something like manure and feten cologne! Settling scores in... dreams! Eternals... Children of fire! If you put them on top, they vomit their entire position at you, entire. Marranita de Pelos is having a party, this means that the disgusting little one has already taken the vaccine! Soon they will want the air, the vultures... It is their natural environment, we will have to pay!



Jean Ep Rich ©




                   ¡AHORA! ¡BIEN! JIMDO AMAZON CARTOONINGJA   👇                        

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En fin..., sobre todo calma, mucha calma; no nos cansamos de repetirlo: c-a-l-m-a. Tranquilidad, ¡joooer!, que no pasa nada...


Horóscopo. Tú mismo


               ¿Qué hora es; a qué estamos...?


             ¡Déjelo, inventos! ¡Son inventores!              

Sombrero-Tetera-Cafetera-Invento. cartooningja jimdo amazon Óleo - Lienzo - 100x100 cm Federosky Cohen
Sombrero-Tetera-Cafetera-Invento. cartooningja jimdo amazon Óleo - Lienzo - 100x100 cm Federosky Cohen

¿A quién no? ¿A quién sí? ¡Ah! Pues el caso es que, sí, a nosotros siempre nos gusta inventar un invento, y, en consecuencia o en consecuencia, tenemos que admirar a don Palito (su careto aquí, en la imagen de la izquierda según mira usted la pantalla, o bien, si se coloca como una letra más del texto, convirtiéndose así en parte del texto, texto, texto, y, en consecuencia, es usted una letra del texto que está, tan pacientemente, leyendo, a la derecha), que acaba de inventar este invento tan bueno que pasamos a explicar y explicamos. Consiste el invento como puede usted ver, si lo ve, en un sombrero que no es sombrero ni es nada de nada. Sin embargo está tan bien inventado que provoca una unánime admiración; pero también ocurre que como la humanidad, así, en bloque, es reacia a las innovaciones cuando éstas no vienen a cuento, no está cosechando este invento de don Palito ningún tipo de reconocimiento internacional, ni tan siquiera local. Por lo tanto y en consecuencia... Seguiremos infirmando por si el invento acaba por ser reconocido como se merece y el agua vuelve a su cauce.


Separato Montelago para cartooningja jimdo, en exclusiva...


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